Friday, June 7, 2024

Beastly Verse (by Joohee Yoon)

Unlike most people who participate in Poetry Friday, I am not a huge poetry fan. I rarely

read poetry except for my handful of favorite poems.  I join this round up periodically

because it challenges me to step out of my comfort zone.  Fortunately, I pick up some new

favorites to add to my collection as I do. Over time, I have gained a greater appreciation of

the genre–in part because of Poetry Friday.

While at the library this week, I found...

Title: Beastly Verse

Illustrator: Joohee Yoon

Target Ages: 5 and up

Genre: Poetry Anthology Picture Book

Summary: This anthology is a beastly menagerie of 16 poems about a variety of creatures like crocodiles, pelicans, hyenas, tigers, centipedes, hummingbirds, and snails. There are selections for both lesser known poets and well-known ones like William Blake, Lewis Carroll, and Christina Rosssetti. 

Favorite Poems

“The Crocodile” (by Lewis Carroll)

How doth the little crocodile

Improve his shining tail,

And pour the water of the Nile

On every golden scale!

How cheerful he seems to grin,

How nearly spreads his claws,

And welcomes little fishes in,

With gently smiling jaws!

“Eletelephony” (by Laura E. Richards)

Once there was an elephant,

Who tried to use the telephant–

No! no! I mean an elephone

Who tried to use the telephone–

(Dear me! Am not certain quite

That even now I’ve got it right.)

Howe’er it was, he got his trunk 

Entangled in the telephunk;

The more he tried to get it free,

The louder buzzed the telephee–

(I fear I’d better drop the song

Of elephop and telephong!) 


The illustrations draw in a young audience.  The art work is whimsical, colorful, and

textured.  Some of the pages expand to a triple page spread.   

There are some longer, more serious poems which I question if the target audience will be

drawn too. However, the shorter, more fanciful poems will captivate children with their

rhyme, playful language, and humorous twists.  

Beastly Verse is a poetry anthology worth checking out.  

Tangles and Tails


  1. Thank you for sharing this clever anthology. The colorful illustrations really bring the poetry to life. I enjoy silly wordplay, so, of course, Eletelphony made me laugh. : ) Thank you for the recommendation!

  2. Thanks for sharing this fun-looking anthology. It makes me think of Prelutsky's STARDINES SWIM HIGH ACROSS THE SKY. Thanks, also, for reminding me that not everyone who participates actually LOVES poetry. Hooray for you for broadening your horizons--I need to do the same with various genres I don't love.

  3. Thanks for sharing this new-to-me anthology. The clever poems and the colorful illustrations are sure to pull in readers young and old. I'll check it out!

  4. What an eye-catching anthology! Thanks for sharing this. And I applaud you for stepping out of your comfort zone — something that's good for all of us from time to time!

  5. I would love this book as it contains one of my favorite poems Eletelephony! It's one of the few poems I still know from memory. I love the illustrations!


The Wave (by Tyler Charlton)

Title :  The Wave Author :  Tyler Charlton Illustrator :  Tyler Charlton Target Ages : 5 and up Genre : Fiction Picture Book Summary :  A yo...