Friday, March 2, 2012

Oh, No! Where Are My Pants? and Other Disaster Poems (Lee Bennett Hopkins)

I will be honest.  I am not naturally a poetry lover. It has been an acquired taste for me, but one I am still particularly selective on.  This week’s anthology—Oh, No! Where Are My Pants? and Other Disaster Poemsis one of my favorite children’s poetry collections to date.  It has a wide range of poems that aptly capture, with humor and grace, many of the difficult and embarrassing moments in life.  Children of all ages will be able to relate to these experiences.  Some are more trivial, and even humorous, like “Oh, No!”  

“Oh, No!”  (by Katie McAllaster Weaver)
Hello apple!
Shiny red.
Hello worm.
Where’s your head?

Other poems tackle more serious life events and changes, like “My Friend is Gone.”

“My Friend is Gone” (by Lillian M. Fisher)
A hug, a tear, and you are gone.
Your swing is missing from the lawn.
Your house is silent, dark and lone.
Your window says no one is home.
I tried hard not to cry
When you waved a last good-bye.
How will I face each empty day
Without my friend who moved away?

There are 14 poems in this collection compiled by Lee Bennett Hopkins.  Other experiences depicted are the death of a beloved pet, stage fright, first day of school, away at camp, missing a ball during an important play, a scary experience at the fair, and much more.  

These poems can be enjoyed for the sheer amusement they prompt and the familiar experiences they illustrate.  They can also be beneficial for learning.  Using the first-hand experiences of fictional characters, parents can talk to their children about their fears and insecurities or discuss the importance of empathy for others.   I recommend Oh, No! Where Are My Pants? and Other Disaster Poems for ages 5 and up.  

This post is linked up with Poetry Friday hosted by Dori Reads.  Click HERE to check out all the posts for this week.  


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I've been sifting through anthologies on Amazon, but it's always so hard to choose sight unseen. Happy Friday!

  2. Lee Bennett Hopkins is one of our favorite anthologists of all times, so I have a feeling I'd enjoy this compilation as well. Didn't know about this so I'm happy that you recommended it. Would be checking out our library for this one. :)

  3. Thank you for mentioning my ...PANTS collection. It remains among one of my favorite books, too. I read "Winter Rabbit" to students (and adults) of all ages and never cease to witness the silence it evokes. For more on ...PANTS, see
    my site under TITLES. Lee Bennett Hopkins

  4. Thanks for this. I put in a request for it at my library already. I'm looking forward to reading.

  5. This looks like a great collection. Thank you for sharing it.

  6. You can never go wrong with a Lee Bennett Hopkins anthology! Thanks for sharing.

  7. I agree--any Lee Bennett Hopkins anthology is an excellent choice! This is one I don't own, and I'm going to have to put it on my wish list! Thanks!


The Wave (by Tyler Charlton)

Title :  The Wave Author :  Tyler Charlton Illustrator :  Tyler Charlton Target Ages : 5 and up Genre : Fiction Picture Book Summary :  A yo...